Woochi Review

Woochi Cinematical Penguin PicWoochi

Year: 2009

Director: Choi Dong Hoon

Writer: Choi Dong Hoon

Starring: Kang Dong Won, Kim Yun Seok, Yu Hae Jin, Lim Su Jeong,

Woochi became the 3rd biggest film in its home nation of South Korea back in 2009. No surprise really, given that the film mixes a whole host of elements found in big Hollywood productions and then some. It’s a fantasy, a romance, has action, contains martial arts, special effects, and comedy. All those elements combined mean that the film is certainly aiming for a wide audience, which is exactly what it got. Choi Dong Hoon is no stranger to box office gold and has topped himself with The Thieves, a film which remains the second most attended South Korean film in South Korea.

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