Gamera The Brave Review

Gamera The Brave Cinematical Penguin PicGamera The Brave

Year: 2006

Director: Ryuta Tazaki,

Writer: Yukari Tatsui,

Starring: Ryo Tomioka, Kaho, Shingo Ishikawa, Shogo Narita, Knji Tsuda, Susumu Terajima, Tomorowo Taguchi,

Returning after ending on a high back in 1999, Gamera The Brave had a lot to live up to. Its first point of business was to not follow on from the critically acclaimed series, but instead be a standalone effort which harkens back to the days of a child friendly Gamera. This was both a positive and a negative for many fans, as some saw no harm in making Gamera for the kids once again, while others believed the big turtle had just been taken seriously and shouldn’t revert back to sillier ways. Director Ryuta Tazaki actually managed to compromise and gave us a child friendly adventure, but refused to make it all cute and cuddly. After all, we’re dealing with dangerous monsters here.

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Gamera 3: Revenge Of Iris Review

Gamera 3 Revenge Of Iris Cinematical Penguin PicGamera 3: Revenge Of Iris

Year: 1999

Director: Shusuke Kaneko

Writer: Kazunori Ito, Shusuke Kaneko,

Starring: Shinobu Nakayama, Ai Maeda, Yukijiro Jotaru, Auako Fujitani, Senri Yamazaki, Toru Tezuka, Yuu Koyama, Nozomi Ando, Kei Horie,

This is what it all came down to. After reinventing Gamera, Shusuke kaneko gave us what is one of the best monster movies of all time. In fact, it may be the only film which could debatably be even better than the original Gojira. It has absolutely everything you could ever want from the genre, as well as throwing in some stuff you didn’t even realise you needed. The first two films in this trilogy were just a year apart, whereas here a whole 3 years seemed to have been expertly utilised to perfect the story, effects, horror and drama. Much more than just a monster smash ‘em up, Gamera 3: Revenge Of Iris takes the formula and raises it to a level of perfection only attainable by the dedication of a team confident in their craft.

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Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe Review

Gamera Guardian Of The Universe Cinematical Penguin PicGamera: Guardian Of The Universe

Year: 1995

Director: Shusuke Kaneko

Writer: Kazunori Ito

Starring: Tsuyoshi Ihara, Akira Onodera, Shinobu Nakayama, Ayako Fujitani, Yukijiro Hotaru, Hatsunori Hasegawa, Hirtaro Honda, Akira Kubo,

Gamera seemed to have given up wallowing in Godzilla’s shadow after his final appearance in 1971. The repetitive stories, subpar effects, and child protagonists just didn’t seem to be working anymore. However, you can’t keep a good monster down. Enter Shusuke Kaneko, a man determined to bring Gamera back from a 20+ year hiatus. Here was a man who showed nothing but respect for the source material, and took it upon himself to not dramatically change anything, but instead asked “What is it that is great about Gamera?” This approach meant that he found the true heart and soul of a monster who had been created as nothing more than a studio rival, and made the world stand up and take notice once more. In fact, this attempt, which led into a trilogy, was so successful that Kaneko was even hired by Toho to make Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.

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Gamera Vs. Zigra Review

Gamera Vs Zigra Cinematical Penguin PicGamera Vs. Zigra

Year: 1971

Director: Noriaki Yuasa

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Yasushi Sakagami, Gloria Zoellner, Isamu Saeki, Koji Fujiyama, Reiko Kasahara, Mikiko Tsubouchi, Eiko Yanami, Arlene Zoellner,

Technically the final Gamera film from the Showa era as the next effort, Gamera Super Monster,was comprised of stock footage from previous films. Gamera Vs. Zigra indicates a real stunted lack of ideas for the franchise, but most upsettingly this isn’t even so bad it’s good. There’s hardly any sense of humour for this film, which would be the only Gamera film not picked up for US distribution until Home Video. Recycled plot, recycled characters, this may as well have been made from stock footage for what it adds to the franchise, which is nothing.

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Gamera Vs. Jiger Review

Gamera Vs Jiger Cinematical Penguin PicGamera Vs. Jiger

Year: 1970

Director: Noriaki Yuasa

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Tsutomu Takakuwa, Kelly Varis, Katherine Murphy, Kon Omura, Ryo Hayami, Akira Natsuki, Junko Yashiro,

Now this I like. Although still very much a children’s movie, Gamera Vs. Jiger devises a number of different set pieces and battles which truly set it apart from its contemporaries. It hasn’t been easy for Gamera to find a voice as he skirts the boundaries between childish fantasy and painfully absurd, but this time he’s got a few tricks up his sleeve. Once again we focus on two child protagonist, one Japanese and one American, as they try and rally Gamera to help protect Earth from a new monster, the quadruped, Jiger. The film actually opens with some brand new footage of Gamera taking out a whole host of monsters seen in previous films, and not always in the kindest of ways. I’m sure Guaron didn’t want a missile stabbed through his knife-like nose.

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Pacific Rim Review

Pacific Rim Cinematical Penguin PicPacific Rim

Year: 2013

Director: Guillermo Del Toro

Writer:  Travis Beacham, Guillermo Del Toro

Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman, Max Martini, Rob Kazinsky, Clifton Collins Jr., Ron Perlman,

This was my most anticipated film of 2013 because I bloody love big monster films. Godzilla, Gamera, and everything in between has a place in my heart and on my shelf. To top it off, this was being directed by the legendary director of The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth. I’m certainly not leading up to a “but” here, as the film delivered on all the levels I expected it to. Some of Del Toro’s films are genuine artistic masterpieces, but he also knows how to have a lot of fun as evidenced in the great Hellboy movies. Pacific Rim has no intention of being anything more than fun and loud, although a few moments of emotion are scattered about for good measure too.

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Gamera Vs. Guiron Review

Gamera Vs Guiron Cinematical Penguin PicGamera Vs. Guiron

Year: 1969

Director: Noriaki Yuasa

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Nobuhiro Kajima, Miyuki Akiyama, Christopher Murphy, Yuko Hamada, Eiji Funakoshi, Kon Omura, Edith Hanson, Hiroko Kai, Kasahara,

Gamera Vs. Guiron like many kaiju films, comes under many names, with Attack Of The Monsters being the most popular, but probably only because it brings about thoughts of the Godzilla film Destroy All Monsters. Out of all the Gamera films so far, this one pushes itself far away from its internationally recognised cousin. That’s only because it’s so bizarre though. It really does feel as though they knew one day an American show would watch bad old movies and make fun of them, and just decided to make it even easier for them. The hilarity is what makes this the most enjoyable Gamera film so far, whether it was intentional or not.

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Gamera Vs. Gyaos Review

Gamera Vs Gyaos Cinematical Penguin PicGamera Vs. Gyaos

Year: 1966

Director: Noriaki Yuasa

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Kojiro Hongo, Kichijiro Ueda, Reiko Kasahara, Naoyuki Abe, Taro Marui, Yukitaro Hotaru, Yoshiro Kitahara, Akira Natsuki,

Gamera is still finding his feet in the third instalment of the series. Still in colour, a little shorter, with a child character taking a more prominent role. The ingredients are beginning to take shape, but here they are far from perfected. Gamera Vs. Gyaos shows the danger of inconsistent effects in kaiju movies, which may sound a bit daft when applying it to notoriously hokey cinema, but one’s mind begins to develop to enhance the imagination in regards to most aspects, so when the creatures seem to break their own rules it becomes a jarring affair.

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Gamera Vs. Barugon Review

Gamera Vs. Barugon Cinematical Penguin PicGamera Vs. Barugon

Year: 1966

Director: Shigeo Tanaka

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Kojiro Hongo, Kyoko Enami, Yuzo Hayakawa, Takuya Fujioka, Koji Fujiyama, Akira Natsuki, Yoshiro Kitahara,

Gamera returns in colour for his second outing, in a film which pushes the franchise in nearly all respects Most interestingly of all though, this is not the child friendly film that would become the staple of the Gamera franchise. For starters it focuses on only adult characters, who deal with adult things such as greed and murder. The film is another to be lampooned by MST3000, which may go some way to explaining its poor reception on sites such as IMDb. As with Godzilla in some of his pictures though, Gamera is a secondary character this time around with the predominant focus on Barugon.

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Gamera Review

Gamera Cinematical Penguin PicGamera

Year: 1965

Director: Noriaki Yuasa

Writer: Nisan Takahashi

Starring: Eiji Funakoshi, Harumi Kiritachi, Junichiro Yamashiko, Yoshiro Uchida, Michiko Sugata, Yoshiro Kitahara, Jun Hamamura, Kenji Oyama,

In 1965 Daiei decided to take on Toho’s Godzilla with a monster of their own. The result was Gamera a large prehistoric turtle/tortoise with fire breath, tusks, and rocket boosters. In all truth, Daiei were a little late to the party, with Gojira arriving 11 years previously. By 1965 Godzilla was onto his 6th venture and had graduated to colour by the 3rd. Gamera was in fact the last Kaiju film shot in black and white, but that actually does the film a number of favours, allowing for a more classical look, and easier acceptance of the special effects. Although he’s got quite the following now, Gamerahas often been mocked thanks to Mystery Science Theatre 3000 constantly poking fun at the dubbed versions. It wouldn’t be until much later in his career that the series truly found its identity.

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