Gamera The Brave Review

Gamera The Brave Cinematical Penguin PicGamera The Brave

Year: 2006

Director: Ryuta Tazaki,

Writer: Yukari Tatsui,

Starring: Ryo Tomioka, Kaho, Shingo Ishikawa, Shogo Narita, Knji Tsuda, Susumu Terajima, Tomorowo Taguchi,

Returning after ending on a high back in 1999, Gamera The Brave had a lot to live up to. Its first point of business was to not follow on from the critically acclaimed series, but instead be a standalone effort which harkens back to the days of a child friendly Gamera. This was both a positive and a negative for many fans, as some saw no harm in making Gamera for the kids once again, while others believed the big turtle had just been taken seriously and shouldn’t revert back to sillier ways. Director Ryuta Tazaki actually managed to compromise and gave us a child friendly adventure, but refused to make it all cute and cuddly. After all, we’re dealing with dangerous monsters here.

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